Team Size: 9.

Engine: Unreal Engine 4.

Development Time: 8 weeks.

Role: UI/UX Lead.

DIY Hero is a boss rush action game. Because of time constraints we focused on getting a single polished working boss fight as a proof of concept, with an alternative evil version with alternative moves.


The concept of the game is of a child imagination of fighting the vegetables he dislikes in a boss rush. He created all the assets of the game himself, this includes the giant tower the player has to climb.


My main task during this project was everything UI/UX from the menu’s to all the HUD elements.

Title Screen

Initial Concept

In-Game Prototype

Final Version

I wanted to do something unique with the title screen, because the concept of the game was a child’s imagination I decided to have the background change to the real world when you hover over options or quit and have the imagination of the child imagine the background and environment when hovering play.

Boss Splash Screen

Room Transitions

Option Screen

Team Size: 6.

Engine: Unreal Engine 4.

Development Time: 8 weeks.

Role: Level Designer.


Each team member got assigned to create a single mechanic and a level surrounding that mechanic.


We were not allowed to change any of the graphics, the fun had to come purely from the mechanics/gameplay.


We came up with the structure of introducing a new mechanic with each passing level.


We decided as our USP mechanic to give the player the ability to move blocks around which would allow us to include both puzzles and platforming into our levels. 


My mechanic was the Crumbling Platform. I chose this one to introduce timed pressure into our puzzles.

Level 4 – All Screens