
Paper Mario is an RPG released for the Nintendo 64.

This is one of my personal favorite games of all time and I’m very passionate about it.


Star Rod is a tool created by Clover which allows you to modify the game, this is something that interested me greatly and started working towards learning the ins and outs of the tool.


I worked a total of 2 years on modding Paper Mario 64 and focused purely on creating my own custom enemies to be used in bigger mods. I was seen as the best custom enemy modders in the community.


  • Programming done by me:         ✔
  • Sprites created by me:              ✔
  • Animations created by me:        ✔
  • Moveset designed by me:          ✔

This is my entry for the 2024 Star Haven Battle Jam, where everyone was tasked to create the best single fight you could make. I decided on a Necromancer style Magikoopa. I decided on this concept because I wanted to introduce a skeleton version of one of the previous bosses in the game.


This fight was created within 4 weeks and took me about 80-100 hours from spriting to animating to programming to balancing.


This fight features a ton of custom attacks, cutscenes with dialogue and 4 different phases.


The mod can be downloaded here:


Super Mario 64 - Unused Beta Enemy

  • Programming done by me:         ✔
  • Sprites created by me:              ✔
  • Animations created by me:        ✔
  • Moveset designed by me:          ✔

This is one of the enemy’s I’m the most proud of. I was able to create this enemy within 24 hours. This includes drawing all the sprites in the style of Paper Mario, animating these sprites, designing fitting attacks and programming unique moves.


There is not a move that works similarly to this one so I had to program this from scratch which is often very difficult within the tools given.


When I finished this enemy I was very proud of it so I shared it on Twitter and promoted the tweet through Discord servers and tagged certain people with larger followings. This Tweet got quite some attention.


Super Mario Odyssey - Steam Garden Enemy

  • Programming done by me:         ✔
  • Sprites created by me:              ✖
  • Animations created by me:        ✔
  • Moveset designed by me:         

This enemy originates from Super Mario Odyssey and functions as a pretty simple enemy.


This is one of the first enemies I created for the WUA Paper Mario 64 mod.


The created of the mod designed this enemy and had an artist create the sprites and I animated these and implemented them in the game. I had quite some difficulties with getting the attack looking right but ended with a result I’m happy with.


I also decided to add a little idle fidget to them to give them more personality when not attacking.


New Super Mario Bros. DS - World 8 Enemy

  • Programming done by me:         ✔
  • Sprites created by me:              ✖
  • Animations created by me:        ✖
  • Moveset designed by me:          ✔

This is an enemy I worked together on with SnakeBlock, a talented artist that has translated a ton of Mario enemies in the style of the original Paper Mario game.


I was inspired by his Kab-omb sprite and felt like I could create a really fun moveset for this enemy. I asked SnakeBlock if he wanted to create some additional sprites for this guy to make his moveset complete.


The way I designed him was that he would shoot fireballs at Mario, if you block the fireball it would bounce back at him, igniting him which would make him charge at Mario the very next turn. But failing to block the fire ball would mean that it would bounce to your partner.


Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door - Chapter 2 Enemy

  • Programming done by me:         ✔
  • Sprites created by me:              ✖
  • Animations created by me:        ✔
  • Moveset designed by me:         

This is an unique enemy created for the sequel of Paper Mario. I recreated this enemy in this game, which is easier in a way that I have a way to check how the original looks but is also rather restrictive with me having to recreate the animations and attacks one to one to successfully demake them.


The thing that makes these enemies slightly unorthodox is the string they’re attached to, this is not something that can be found in the original game so I had to recreate this element from scratch.

Whittle & Undead Whittle

Super Mario Galaxy 2 - NPC

  • Programming done by me:         ✔
  • Sprites created by me:              ✔
  • Animations created by me:        ✔
  • Moveset designed by me:          ✔

This is the first time I tried creating a partner which has multiple selectable moves. This not only requires more animations for different attacks but also forces me to implement these action command mini-games.


I decided to copy paste these mini-games from different partners and mix these around to create a unique feeling partner without having to work on implementing all these attacks.


I also used the structure/sprites of the partner to create an unique enemy. This Undead Whittle walks towards Mario and sucks out his HP.


Use a fire attack to kill them for good.

Paper Mario: Wish Upon Abyss

Demo 2 Gameplay

I created all the enemy encounters in this Demo. This includes 2 unique boss battles at 39:16 & 44:36.