Pyro Peril

Team Size: 2.

Game Jam: Ludum Dare 46.

Theme: Keep it alive!

Time: 48 hours.

Engine: Unity.


A simple platformer where you have to avoid letting the flame inside the slime die out. The flame is visualized through the meter at the top, this meter decreased over time and can be replenished by finding wooden logs throughout the levels.

W.I.P. Gifs

Pig Peril

Team Size: 4.

Game Jam: Ludum Dare 44.

Theme: Your Life is Currency!

Time: 48 hours.

Engine: Unreal Engine 4.


Me and 3 of my friends wanted to learn the Unreal Engine as we were only familiar with Unity at that point in time. It’s hard to call this project a game but this was my starting point for Blueprinting and I learned a lot.

Passenger Peril

Team Size: 4.

Game Jam: Ludum Dare 40.

Theme: The more you have, the worse it is

Time: 48 hours.

Engine: Unity.


A local co-op game where your plane is slowly crashing because there are too many passengers on the plane. Get rid of as many passengers as possible by knocking them out and kicking them off your plane.